
Message from our CEO

My name is Katsuya Nakanishi,
President & CEO of the MC Group.

I am pleased to unveil Midterm Corporate Strategy 2024 – Creating MC Shared Value as our new direction for the next three years.

With the ongoing struggle between the US and China, coupled with the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the international community continues to be increasingly multi-polarized and fragmented. The long-established foundations upon which the global economy has been built appear to be showing signs of fragility, and as such, the world economy is likely to face various uncertainties in the years ahead.

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted changes in people’s behavior and values, and at the same time, the deployment of digital technologies is spurring innovation in communication and business models. Progress in digitalization and decarbonization has solidified into an irreversible trend, and in the years ahead we can expect the business climate to be subject to constant unpredictability at an accelerated pace.

Since its founding, MC has endeavored to promote economic development and improve quality of life by anticipating global trends and continuously staying a half step ahead in the creation of new businesses that address societal issues and needs.

It is through the repetition of this business portfolio cycle that we have managed to make the MC Group what it is today.

Our core objective under Midterm Corporate Strategy 2024 is Creating MC Shared Value. The inspiration for this goal is rooted in a vision of continuously creating significant shared value by elevating the MC Group’s collective capabilities in order to address societal challenges.

We will come together to work towards Creating MC Shared Value by organically interconnecting business intelligence, derived from our wide-ranging industry expertise and global network, while fostering stronger links among all the companies of the MC Group. By maximizing our collective capabilities in this way, we aim to create value that is greater than the sum (Σ) of its parts.

Amid these times of dramatic change and uncertainty, it is more important than ever to fully draw on these collective capabilities, which are founded on the diversity and connections we have built up over the years.

I would like to see us continually return to the spirit of the Three Corporate Principles, our corporate philosophy since MC’s founding, as we set out to grow in step with society, while striving to address challenges faced by society and industry.

We are grateful for the continuing support of all our stakeholders and look forward to working with all of you to create a new future.

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